We all want to be beautiful. In fact, according to Richard Prum, it’s our evolutionary nature to always go for beauty if we have the option to do so.
In this article, we will tackle one aspect of beauty that’s trending these days: diminishing your double or sagging chin with the help of KYBELLA®. We will also answer some of your basic questions about what is KYBELLA®, benefits, drawbacks, and recovery time. Let’s get started!

KYBELLA® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment for adults that permanently destroys isolated fat deposits under your chin, and is administered as a series of injections under the chin.
According to the KYBELLA® FAQ’s:
“The active ingredient in KYBELLA® is synthetic deoxycholic acid. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat beneath the chin, KYBELLA® destroys fat cells, and once destroyed, these cells can no longer store or accumulate fat. This results in a noticeable reduction in fullness under the chin, revealing an improved chin profile.”
Results are gradual, and your physician will assess and determine a treatment plan for you. The number of treatment sessions will vary based on the amount of fat under the chin and your treatment goals. KYBELLA® is meant for adults. Typically, it is people aged 40+ that choose to treat their double chins with KYBELLA®.
Once the fat cells are destroyed, they cannot store or accumulate fat. Meaning once you have reached your desired effect, additional treatment should not be required.
Benefits of KYBELLA®
There are several benefits to choosing KYBELLA® over cosmetic surgery.
- KYBELLA® doesn’t require general anesthesia, and is an alternative to liposuction or general surgery.
- It is a minimally invasive procedure with no downtime, and can be completed quickly.
The Drawbacks
One big drawback of such treatment for your double chin is the price. You will likely need several sessions for this treatment to succeed. KYBELLA® treatment costs vary by provider, but average cost is about $4000 for most women that require 2-3 visits and 6-8 vials. However, it’s the least invasive procedure for the treatment of a double chin, and could very well be worth it to you.
As mentioned above, KYBELLA® is a minimally invasive procedure with no downtime, and can be completed quickly. The most common side effects are bruising, swelling, pain, numbness, and small, firm areas around the injection sites. Be sure to consult with your healthcare provider for thorough medical advice about side effects.
Can It Be Preventive?
There are no studies yet regarding the use of KYBELLA® to prevent the formation of double chins. Right now, most of the people who use KYBELLA® already have unsightly double chins that they want to diminish.
Wrapping Up
Hopefully you now have a better understanding of KYBELLA®. And, are well armed with information when discussing with your doctor if this treatment is right for you. The skill and expertise of exactly who is doing the procedure is the most important factor here, so research your practitioner and make sure to ask plenty of questions.